Life at Cornell

Senior Reflection

During my four years at Cornell Engineering, I was very fortunate to work alongside many smart and motivated people that truly made my college experience special. There are many interdisciplinary efforts happening in courses, project teams, and research initiatives,...

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My Transformative Journey at Cornell

As an International Master of Engineering student with a major in Engineering Management at Cornell University, my journey here has been nothing short of transformative. From the vibrant academic environment to the rich social experiences, Cornell offers a holistic...

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AEWs: How These Workshops Help Our Students

We wanted to share a resource and an opportunity that is a big part of our experience and a big part of our success strategy here in the College of Engineering at Cornell. We are currently the undergraduate leaders for a set of workshops that we want to share with you...

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A Graduation Journey Filled with Gratitude

Hey! I’m Efraín '23, a new alumnus of Cornell and I studied computer science here at Cornell. I wanted to dedicate this blog post to the Diversity Programs in Engineering (DPE), Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers (SHPE), and Underrepresented Minorities in...

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Project Team: CU Solar Boat

CU Solar Boat: gathering the skills and the experience needed to bring alternative energy into the mainstream and fuel a more sustainable future. While the link between engineering and positive world change can often get lost in a flurry of detailed formulations and...

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Why NS1150 is a must-take-class at Cornell

My favorite non-engineering class is Nutrition, Health, and Society.  I found the course extremely interesting and relevant to my everyday life.  The core lesson of the class is one I feel every student at Cornell should learn -- how you can live the longest,...

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The Experience of Winter

Coming from California, the most common question I would get from my friends at home focused on the contrast in weather patterns: “why would you go across the country to a place with worse weather when you can stay in the ever-pleasant California Sunshine?”. It was...

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