“Did I hear someone would be perfect for joining iGEM?” It was a sunny day during clubfest as I wandered around looking for what clubs I could join on campus. As a new student in Cornell Engineering, I heard a lot of information about the various student-led project...
Project Teams
Project Team: CU Solar Boat
CU Solar Boat: gathering the skills and the experience needed to bring alternative energy into the mainstream and fuel a more sustainable future. While the link between engineering and positive world change can often get lost in a flurry of detailed formulations and...
Project Team: Cornell Baja Racing
Cornell Baja Racing: my favorite aspect of being a student at Cornell! Cornell Baja Racing is my favorite aspect of being a student at Cornell. Baja Racing is a club where students with many different skills and backgrounds come together to build an ATV! Our car can...
Project Team: Cornell Steel Bridge
Cornell Steel Bridge: Designing, structural analyzing, fabricating, welding, and constructing! Designing, structural analyzing, fabricating, welding, and constructing are the core experiences that Steel Bridge members gain from participating in a Cornell project team....
Project Team: Cornell Electric Vehicles
Cornell Electric Vehicles: the first electric vehicles project team at Cornell! Established in 2014, Cornell Electric Vehicles (CEV) is the first electric vehicles project team at Cornell. We pave the way for student teams to design fully electric vehicles. Moreover,...
Engineers Without Borders: My Project Team Experience
My name is Ella, and I am an Environmental Engineering major here at Cornell. I am also a part of a project team on campus, Engineers Without Borders (EWB). When I came to Cornell, I knew I wanted to be involved in the community and be part of a larger cause. When...
Going Abroad with AguaClara
AguaClara is a project team with the goal of designing sustainable water treatment facilities, and I joined the spring of my freshman year. This past January, I was lucky to be able to visit Honduras with part of the team to see the water treatment plants built by...