Assistant ProfessorComputer Science Biography Rachit Agarwal is an assistant professor in Department of Computer Science at Cornell University. Rachit completed his PhD from UIUC and his undergraduate from IIT Kanpur. Rachit has received 2018 SIGCOMM best student...
Cornell Bowers College of Computer and Information Science
Lorenzo Alvisi
Tisch University ProfessorComputer Science Biography Alvisi is interested in the theory and practice of dependable Distributed Computing. Research Interests Cloud and Distributed Computing Websites Lorenzo Alvisi Research
Kavita Bala
Dean of Cornell Bowers College of Computer and Informations ScienceProfessor of Computer ScienceComputer Science Biography Kavita Bala is the Dean of the Cornell Ann S. Bowers College of Computing and Information Science (Cornell Bowers CIS). She received her S.M. and...
Austin R. Benson
Assistant ProfessorComputer Science Research Interests My research develops computational frameworks for analyzing and understanding large-scale and complex datasets from the Web, social networks, biology, and other scientific domains. I usually approach problems with...
Tapomayukh Bhattacharjee
Assistant ProfessorComputer Engineering Biography Tapo's research aims at enabling robots to assist people with mobility limitations with activities of daily living. The fundamental research question that Tapo is interested in is how to leverage robot-world physical...
David S. Bindel
Associate ProfessorComputer Science Biography David Bindel received a Ph.D. in computer science from UC Berkeley in 2006, and was a Courant Instructor of mathematics at NYU from 2006 through 2009. In 2009, he joined the computer science department at Cornell. He...
Ken Birman
N. Rama Rao Professor of Computer ScienceComputer Science Biography Ken Birman joined Cornell after receiving his PhD degree from U.C. Berkeley in Computer Science. He currently holds the N. Rama Rao Chair in Computer Science. A researcher in distributed systems,...
Lawrence Blume
ProfessorInformation Science Biography Lawrence E. Blume is a professor of Information Science and serves as the Charles F. and Barbara D. Weiss Director of Undergraduate Studies. He is also Distinguished Arts & Sciences Professor of Economics. He is a Visiting...
Anne Bracy
Senior LectureComputer Science Biography Anne Bracy is a Senior Lecturer in Computer Science at Cornell University. She was the 2019 Tau Beta Pi Professor of the Year, a 2017 recipient of the College of Engineering Excellence in Teaching Award, and also received the...