Julia Dshemuchadse

Assistant Professor
Materials Science and Engineering


Dshemuchadse joins MSE as an assistant professor after four years as a postdoctoral researcher at University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. She studies the structures of complex crystalline materials and their formation, aiming to understand the rules that govern their assembly and stability and to ultimately be able to predict and design new materials.

Dshemuchadse earned an undergraduate physics degree at TU Dresden in Germany, where she started working with X-ray diffraction to analyze the structures of inorganic compounds. Dshemuchadse then moved to Switzerland for her PhD in Materials Science at ETH Zurich, where she investigated building principles of complex intermetallic compounds under the guidance of Walter Steurer. In 2015, Dshemuchadse joined the group of Sharon Glotzer at the University of Michigan as a postdoc, where she started working with molecular dynamics and Monte Carlo simulations to study soft-matter self-assembly.

Dshemuchadse now combines her background in crystallography with the modeling and discovery of materials via numerical simulations. Her group studies the self-assembly and stability of complex crystal structures.

Besides analyzing structures and determining symmetries, Dshemuchadse loves to read and travel, and enjoys exploring the outdoors—biking, hiking, and camping.

Research Interests

Selected Publications

A. T. Cadotte, J. Dshemuchadse, P. F. Damasceno, R. S. Newman, S. C. Glotzer, “Self-assembly of a space-tessellating structure in the binary system of hard tetrahedra and octahedra” (2016). Soft Matter 12 (34), 7073-7078.

W. Steurer, J. Dshemuchadse, “Intermetallics: Structures, Properties, and Statistics” (2016). Oxford University Press, International Union of Crystallography Monographs on Crystallography, ISBN: 9780198714552.

J. Dshemuchadse, S. Bigler, A. Simonov, T. Weber, W. Steurer, “A new complex intermetallic phase in the system Al–Cu–Ta with familiar clusters and packing principles” (2013). Acta Crystallogr. B 69, 238–248.

J. Dshemuchadse, D. Y. Jung, W. Steurer, “Structural building principles of complex face-centered cubic intermetallics” (2011). Acta Crystallogr. B 67, 269–292. 

Selected Awards and Honors

  • Outstanding Postdoctoral Fellow Award (University of Michigan), 2016
  • Max-von-Laue-Preis awarded to a Young Scientist (German Crystallographic Society (DGK)), 2015
  • SNSF Early Postdoc. Mobility fellowship (Swiss National Science Foundation), 2014


  • Dr. sc. (Materials Science), ETH Zurich, Switzerland, 2013
    Diploma (Physics), TU Dresden, Germany, 2008
