Esteban Gazel

Associate Professor
Earth and Atmospheric Sciences


Geology is the passion of my life. Since my childhood, earthquakes and volcanoes have motivated my curiosity to understand the secrets of our planet. My team study processes in our planet’s interior that produce magmas, volcanoes, and contribute to planetary evolution. Population growth, the risk of natural hazards, climate change, the need for new suitable energy solutions, increase the need for highly trained Earth scientists. My mission is to contribute to the education of the next generations so that we can bring solutions to these challenges.

Research Interests

Gazel works on solving the puzzles of the Earth by studying processes in the interior of our planet that produce magma and volcanoes. His goal is to understand how these processes contribute to planetary evolution and how they impacted life and the environment in the past in order to prepare for the future. Gazel’s work integrates different Earth geochemical cycles, from ocean crust production to subduction and deep recycling, He studies these processes from a geochemical perspective complemented by interdisciplinary collaboration with other fields.

Teaching Interests

Dr. Gazel’s teaching philosophy focuses on active learning. The use of actual data and case studies teach students tangible skills that they can use in their career fields. Gazel’s strives to contribute to the education of the next generation of Earth science leaders who seek to find solutions for the challenges of the 21st century with population growth, natural hazards, climate change, and water and other natural resource challenges.

Selected Awards and Honors

Daniel M. Lazar ‘29 Excellence in Teaching Award, the highest award for teaching in the College of Engeeniering, Cornell University, 2020

GeoPrisms Distinguished Lecturer(GeoPrisms),2018

Kuno Lecture at the European Geoscience Union meeting, 2017

Hisashi Kuno Award, Volcanology, Geochemistry and Petrology Section of the American Geophysical Union (AGU), 2016

Postdoctoral Fellowship in the Earth, Environmental, and Ocean Sciences, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, Columbia University, 2009

Costa Rican National Science Award Cloromido Picado Twight, the most prestigious scientific honor given annually by the government of Costa Rica for outstanding scientific research, 2009

Bevier Fellowship for Excellence in Graduate Research, Rutgers University, 2008

University Excellence Fellowship, Rutgers University, 2007

Graduate School Research Award in Sciences, Rutgers University, 2007


  • B.S. (Geology),University of Costa Rica,2004
  • Ph.D. (Geology),Rutgers University,2009
