Andrew van Paridon
Lecturer & Senior Research Associate
Sibley School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Research Interests
Andrew van Paridon’s research includes spacecraft propulsion, thermal modeling, and system optimization. His most recent work has been developing a survey of water powered propulsion systems for satellites, with the aim to help broaden the understanding that we have about the potential for water as an in-situ resource in space. Dr. van Paridon has also been developing new teaching strategies, via development of the SmallSat Mission Design School, work with the Office of Engagement Initiatives and Sciencenter in developing community outreach, and investigation of mastery-graded examination techniques. At the Oxford Thermofluids Institute he developed methods for thermal control that increase the efficiency and fatigue life of turbine discs. He designed the Transient Heat Transfer Facility (THTF) to study turbine casings under real engine conditions for temperature and pressure. Dr. van Paridon also developed the Linear Parameter Varying – Proper Orthogonal Decomposition model for simulating the thermal condition of engine parts in otherwise severe, unmeasurable environments.
Selected Publications
- Van Paridon, A., Petro, E. (2021) Survey of Water Powered Propulsion Systems. AIAA Propulsion and Energy 2021 Forum.
- Van Paridon, A., Bacic, M., Ireland, P., and Daniel, R. (2018) On the Real-Time Estimation of Disk Temperature Spatial Distributions in Aeroengines. Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power,140(3).
- Van Paridon, A., Bacic, M., Ireland, P. T., and Daniel, R. (2016) Kalman Filter Development for Real Time Proper Orthogonal Decomposition Disc Temperature Model. In Proceedings of ASME Turbo Expo 2016.
- Van Paridon, A., Dann, A., Ireland, P., and Bacic, M. (2015) Design And Development Of A Full-Scale Generic Transient Heat Transfer Facility (THTF) For Air System Validation. In Proceedings of ASME Turbo Expo 2015.
- Van Paridon, A., Ritz, H., Dimiduk, K. (2020) Effect of Mastery-graded Exams on Student Outcomes in Statics and Mechanics of Solids Course. 2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference.
- B.E. (Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering), University of Queensland, 2010
- B.Sc. (Physics) University of Queensland, 2010
- Ph.D. (Aerospace Engineering), University of Oxford, 2016