Why NS1150 is a must-take-class at Cornell

A photo of Cornell Engineering student GlennMy favorite non-engineering class is Nutrition, Health, and Society.  I found the course extremely interesting and relevant to my everyday life.  The core lesson of the class is one I feel every student at Cornell should learn — how you can live the longest, healthiest life possible.

The course is broken down into six modules, the first three regarding the actual biology of the human body: the nervous system, digestive system, and atherosclerosis process.  This gives students the foundation of understanding the effects of the foods we eat on our bodies.  The last three modules dive into how you can change or improve your eating and exercise habits to be a healthier person.

As an engineer at Cornell, my life can get pretty busy with schoolwork, jobs, and extra-curriculars, but this course taught me the importance of eating a well-balanced diet, getting a full night of sleep, and exercising on a daily basis.  No matter how busy my schedule gets, I make sure to always accomplish these three daily goals.

The professor not only makes every lecture interesting and relevant, but loves to include his own cooking demonstrations for healthy, balanced meals, preparable even with a busy schedule.  The class project, my favorite part of the course, required me to download an app and keep a daily journal of what I was eating and the amount of exercise I was completing. After a week, I reviewed my health report and explained how I would improve my eating habits to make sure I was getting all the vitamins and food groups I needed.

I would recommend this course for everyone, as the lessons taught really do pertain to your everyday life.  The information I learned in this course will be something I use for the rest of my life, something I cannot say about every course I have taken during my time at Cornell.

—Glenn, computer science